International Game Day

November 20th is International Game Day. One of the local indie game developers was able to secure me a spot at the local county library’s game day activity. There weren’t as many people as at some of the other shows, but the people I did meet were great. The game was well received, which continues to be very encouraging.

There were some bugs and other fixes that came out of the show, as there always are. I had done some balancing, and one of the things I messed with was the weight of the ships, which affected their ability to maneuver. Some of the really tough ships were not very maneuverable at all, and it just wasn’t very interesting. Sure you had this powerful ship, but it turned like a freight train. So I changed everything back to be more maneuverable. I think that maneuverability is definitely something that should vary, but I’m going to have to be more careful with it. I’ll probably have there be more gradations of maneuverability. At the moment it handles really well, or horribly, without a lot of room in between. Also I’m thinking that it will really help to have the maneuverability vary more based on speed.

The final bit of news is that a new version of the game is out on the Humble Store! So if you already have a copy, go out and pick up the new version. And if you haven’t purchased yet, now is a great time to do so. The new version has the rebalancing, and the hot-seat multiplayer, along with the ability to outfit your own ships for multiplayer. I feel like it adds some real value to the game, so I’m going to bump the price up to $1.99 in a week or so. So if you’ve been on the fence, now is the time to take the plunge! Of course all future updates are free to you whenever you buy.

And with that, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. At least those in the U.S., for those outside the U.S., have a happy thursday!

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