Weapon Ranges

I’ve got it set up so that after you get your ship equipped with weapons you can click a button and it will display the ship with green cones indicating the range of each of your weapons. Not terribly exciting, but it did prove a bit more tricky than anticipated.

New button in the lower left

New button in the lower left

Visualization of weapon ranges

Visualization of weapon ranges






With this done I think I’ve got all of the features that I really need for the hot seat multiplayer. I’m going to work on trying to balance some components, fixing a few bugs, then getting this pushed out to the humble store.

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Component Restrictions

I worked this week on making it clear what components are valid for what slots. There are three slots, Engine, Weapon and Miscellaneous. Engines and weapons can only go into engine or weapon slots, but a miscellaneous component (like shields or generators) can go into either a weapon or miscellaneous slot. The trick was figuring out how to communicate that in a way that felt natural. I think I managed to do that. ShipModificationThe Engine and Weapon components clearly don’t fit into any other slots, and the miscellaneous components can fit miscellaneous and weapon slots. I suppose play testing will demonstrate whether or not that works out. There’s an indie game night in two weeks, so that will be a good chance to try it out.


I’ve got a few more enhancements planned for this screen. When you’re choosing a ship and equipping it I want to have a ruler or something similar that gives some sort of sense of scale for the ship. I’m also going to add indicators to show which direction a weapon will fire if mounted on a particular slot. Related to that is some sort of way to view the overall weapon ranges of the ship. Finally I also want to add a display that shows how maneuverable the ship is. Components have weight, heavier components can drag down the maneuverability of the ship, but to manage that you’re really going to need to have an idea of how the maneuverability is being affected.

Lots of good stuff in the plans, but I’m thinking that some of it may be unnecessary to get the game into people’s hands so that they can start playing with the modification and hotseat multiplayer. We’ll see.

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Assorted Updates

I need to apologize, it has been entirely too long since I last updated. So here’s what I’ve been up to.

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Salt Lake City Mini Maker’s Faire. Along with some other people from the Utah Indie Game Guild I showed off my game. It was a little bit different crowd than most of the other shows I went to, but overall reception was good. Multiplayer continues to be something that people are very interested in.

Speaking of multiplayer, when I changed the name and the focus I was intending to create a rich single player campaign. Then due to popular request I decided that I needed to add a multiplayer component. So it became a single player game with a multi player component. Based on the feedback I’ve received I feel like it has now become a multiplayer game with a single player campaign. Don’t get me wrong, I still plan on making a great single player campaign, that’s one of the big things that gets me excited about the game. But it’s very clear that multiplayer is going to be a big draw for a lot of people, so it’s something I focused on.

To that end I have been working on the multiplayer components. I’ve got the multiplayer menus set up and working pretty well for local hotseat multiplayer. When playing multiplayer you build a fleet based on a number of points, the same way it works for a lot of table top wargames. The ships you have available to you are ones that you built out of components. So I’m currently working on polishing up the ship editing screen. I need to make it clear what the components do. Which components can go into which slots, etc. I’m really hoping to have that done this week and get the whole thing update available on the Humble Store by next Saturday. This will also require some balancing though, which could be tricky.

So that’s where things are at. I recognize that with the game in the general public’s hands, especially with people giving me money, even a small amount, I really have a responsibility to provide frequent updates. So I’m going to be better about keeping this up to date. See you next week then.

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Humble Store

It’s been a bit since my last update. Some changes in my work have left me with less time to work on the game. I’m still trying to adjust to the change and figure out how to best use my time. The game is up on the Humble Store, you can find it here. Part of the reason I focused on getting it on the store was so that I could get it into the hands of people who liked the Facebook page after the conference. I’ve sent out keys to everyone I could track down who like the Facebook page, but I’m pretty new at that whole thing, and wasn’t able to find a full list of everyone who had liked the page. So if you see this, and you liked the page and didn’t get your code, let me know and we’ll get it taken care of.

Not a lot else to say. I have the hot-seat multiplayer working, and you can edit ships and use them in multiplayer. Right now I’m sanding some of the sharp edges off the interfaces, and getting everything up and working enough that someone who doesn’t have me hovering over their shoulder could figure everything out. Also I’ll be trying to get some rudimentary balancing done, because that will be necessary for multiplayer as well.

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On Feeling Wonder

There’s a great article over on Less Wrong about how the only things in the world are ‘real’ things, and if you can’t take joy in real things then you’re going to be pretty disappointed. For me it boiled down to ‘if you are only able to find wonder in the things that are not real, like unicorns, dragons, wizards; if you’re only able to find joy in things that have not been ‘explained away’; if hearing an explanation for a phenomenon robs it of it’s wonder, then you’re going to be pretty disappointed.’

I was reflecting on it, as I do from time to time because it’s got some good ideas. Anyway, I was reflecting on it and I was thinking about the feeling of wonder, it usually seems to be reserved for things that are mysterious and unreal. It does at times feel like adding a scientific explanation to something diminishes it somehow. But not always, and I think I found a bit of an idea on why, and perhaps this could be used to improve a game. I’m thinking that the feeling of wonder is all about your expectations of novel experiences.

If you think about a subject, and you anticipate that further investigation of the subject will yield novel information, novel experiences, really anything novel, then that subject will hold for you a feeling of wonder. Think about it, take Skyrim for example, you get out of the first city and out into the countryside and you can go anywhere. There are villages with people to meet, caves with wild animals, and cottages with bandits hiding behind secret walls in the basement. All sorts of neat places to explore, and novel things to experience. It’s full of wonder, at least that’s how I felt. Then what happens when you’re twenty or thirty hours in? I actually don’t know because I only started playing it recently and I’m only about three or four hours in. But based on my experiences with Oblivion I’m going to assume that eventually you being to recognize that all of the caves are pretty similar, all of the ruins are pretty similar, if you’ve seen one ruined fort, you’ve seen them all. And with that recognition the sense of wonder fades away. You no longer anticipate novel experiences.

To take this back to the initial subject of scientific inquiry destroying the sense of wonder, I think that only happens if you don’t understand the science very well. Take rainbows for example, they appear mysterious and otherworldly, then someone tells you that it’s just sunlight reflecting off of water particles in the air, then it appears to be wholly explained. There’s nothing more to know about it, and therefore nothing new to anticipate. The wonder is gone. However if you know enough about the science then, I assume, because I don’t know this much about the science, but if you know about it, then I’m thinking that you probably know how many more things we don’t know about. To a layman it appears that all of the questions are answered, but to an expert there are a wealth of deeper questions hiding behind the surface level explanation.

I know a little bit about machine learning, and I find those subjects endlessly wondrous. Genetic algorithms? Holy cow, those are some of the most fantastic things on the face of the earth. That Google deep dream stuff? Those images were some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. They were recognizable, but at the same time felt deeply alien. It felt like there were all sorts of potential images that could be output.

Anyway, I’m thinking that in order to sustain a feeling of wonder, a game needs to continually surprise the player, keep them guessing, ensure that they are never able to feel that they can predict what is coming. Because as long as they don’t feel like they can predict what’s coming, then they are going to be able to find some interest in the game.

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Ship Modification

I spent this week reworking the ship modification stuff. For multiplayer games you’re going to want to be able to outfit your ships and bring them into combat. Previously the ships were only editable from inside the campaign part of the game, and the edited ships were part of the save game, so you couldn’t use them anywhere else. Also you could only edit the ships that you had access to in the campaign. Now you can equip any component on any ship and access it from any multiplayer game. Well, I haven’t completed the bit where you bring them into a multiplayer game, but they are accessible now. It’s looking pretty good, but still needs some work, a lot of polishing.

Also this week, the Humble Store got back to me. I now have a Humble Store merchant account, and I need to submit some more stuff to get the game on the store. The most intimidating thing is the long description. I’m trying to figure out how to accurately portray the mood of the game, story-wise that is. Presenting the mechanics well shouldn’t be hard, but I’ve been struggling with how to give enough information to make it intriguing, present it in a way that properly conveys the mood, and keep it short enough that no one loses their interest reading through it. Once I figure all of that out it shouldn’t be too much longer before the game is up on the store. Then I’ll work on polishing the multiplayer stuff up enough to update the version available on the store.

It’s going to be a good, but busy week.

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This week I upgraded the game to Unity 5 so that I could take advantage of their new multiplayer networking stuff. I haven’t started integrating it yet, but I did go through a networking tutorial, and it looks like it’s not going to be too bad.

The second thing I got done is related. The game now supports hotseat multiplayer. It doesn’t allow you to customize your ships yet, but it does allow any number of hotseat players. Additionally I structured it so that you can mix hotseat and networked multiplayer, so you could have two computers connected over a network, each with two or three players apiece. I don’t know if that feature will ever be used, but if you want to do it you should be able to.

I’m thinking the next step is going to be allowing players to customize their ships. I’ve already got the customization window built, I’ll just need to add in some new bits. It needs to limit components based on power availability, and it needs to tally up an estimate of how many points the ship is worth. I expect the point values to be wildly off mark at first, but that should be remedied by some playtesting. I also need to include some soft of lobby where you can set up the game and pick your ships.

I’m also going to have to do some balancing on the different ship hulls. At the moment they all pretty much work the same way. There are some slight maneuverability differences, but not a lot. I’ve got five different factions of ships, different manufacturers basically. I want there to be some good differences between the different groups, so each group has some sort of theme. I’ve got several variables I can change to give the ships a different feel. There’s armor, weight (which affects maneuverability), turn speed, hit points, and weapon slot placement. I figure that I can vary those to give the different groups a different feeling and support different play styles.

Networked multiplayer may be a ways down the road. I want to get started on the story campaign. But I’ll have to see how things progress. I haven’t heard back from the Humble Store yet, so it’s not quite available to the public yet. I’m thinking I may submit it to Desura as well this week. I know that there have been some issues with developers being paid, but it sounds like those are being worked out. Also at this point I’m more concerned with getting the game into as many player’s hands as possible.

Edit: I did a little more looking at Desura, it sounds like they are on their way out. Probably not worth bothering trying to get on there. So I’ll have to find some other places to upload it.

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Submitted to Humble Store

I’ll lead with the most exciting news of the week, I submitted Aurora Redemptus to the humble store to be sold as an early access title. I got it submitted Saturday evening, so it will most likely be a couple of days before I hear back, but I’m very glad to have that done.

Of course I had some things that I needed to get done before I could submit it. The biggest thing was a tutorial. I added in a basic tutorial that covers all of the basics that I would cover with people at the Salt Lake Gaming Con. The whole thing takes less than a minute, I haven’t timed it, so it could be closer to thirty seconds. Anyway, it gives a brief introduction, then turns you lose to kill some turrets. Other small improvements include several bug fixes, and an improvement to how the machine gun bullets look. They use to be just yellow lines, but now they are bolts of light. They look a lot better.

At the moment I’m charging $1.00 for the game, of course I’m going to be providing access keys for everyone who liked the game on Facebook. I’m honestly still thinking over whether to charge or not to start charging for it right now. On the one hand, I promised free access to everyone who liked the game on Facebook, I will definitely provide that, but it feels a little funny to offer them ‘free’ access, then go ahead and give it to everyone for free. On the other hand my big concern at the moment is just getting people to hear about and play the game. I’ll have to see how it shakes out.

As for what’s next, I’m thinking that if I’m asking people to pay money, even $1.00, then I should provide plenty of content. I’m really wanting to add multiplayer, and that would provide numerous benefits. First, it would hopefully get a lot of people playing the game, someone plays it, then wants to play with their friends so they tell the friends about it, and so on and so forth. Another big benefit would be help in balancing the game. Anyone who played the game at the con will be able to attest to the fact that at the moment the missile ships are just way too powerful. If handled right one missile ship could take down a lot of other ships. If there were a lot of people playing the game it would help me get a feel for how the weapons balance up against each other. I think this would be something that would be really nice to have mostly done before I get too far into the story campaign. If I get halfway through, then find that I have to nerf some weapons system, then every level that made use of that is going to have to be reviewed for balance. One potential solution to that could be to have a different class of equipment only available in the story, and that are tuned to the needs of the story. So you would have missiles in the story and in the multiplayer, but they might be more powerful in one than the other. As I said before, I don’t think that multiplayer would be terribly difficult to implement, the difficult part would be handling all of the balancing. That could take a lot of time out of development. But then I think being swamped with work because so many people are playing your game would be a pretty good problem to have.

There are some other changes I’ve thought of making that I’m not sure where on the timeline they fall. Before the conference I was toying with a more distinct planning mode. The background would fade slightly, making the lasers and explosions less distinct, then all of the ships would light up with green, red or blue indicating player ships, enemy ships and ally ships. That would make it easier to pick out the ships, see where you are going, etc. I thought it was looking pretty cool too, but it was too buggy to include in the con demo. I’ve also got some new weapon systems I would like to implement, special abilities for ships, and of course the story campaign, which is one of the things I’m most excited about.

So a big task for me now is prioritizing, figuring out what will bring in more players, what will keep those players happy, and what will contribute towards the overall success of the project. Lots of very fun stuff to do. Any suggestions or thoughts would be very welcome in the comments.

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Salt Lake Gaming Con

I attended the Salt Lake Gaming Con this last weekend, and it was a fantastic experience. The week before the conference was a bit of a crunch, fixing bugs, getting things ready to show. I felt pretty good about the levels I had on display. I had three that were pretty approachable, and escalated in difficulty, then two more that were nearly impossible. What I thought was really neat is that I had several people come back periodically throughout the day and give those levels another shot, and several people beat both of the last two levels. I had several instances where people had played the game previously and they came back with their friends to show them.

The showing went very well. It seems that two years of experimenting with the movement system has yielded something that people were quickly able to pick up. I got into a rhythm, giving the same instructions every time someone sat down, and it really didn’t need more than five or six sentences to get people going. Once people got going I was impressed by some of the strategies people came up with, the levels were fairly simple, so they didn’t require a lot of creativity, but people still found creative approaches to the problems. The thing that I was most happy about was how much people seemed to enjoy it. I think there was only one person who sat down and played it and didn’t end up liking it. Most everyone thought it was at least interesting, and many thought that it was very interesting, something that they would definitely want to play.

There were two things that were clearly something people wanted: lots of interesting scenarios, and multiplayer. I’m hoping to fill the campaign with lots of interesting levels, surrounded by a story that I think people are really going to like. But I felt like people would want more, so I’m intending to add a level editor, so that people can continue to play and enjoy the game even after they have gone through the campaign. The other thing was multiplayer, which the game really is very well suited for. There would be less waiting for the others to finish their turns since everything runs simultaneously, and it would bring in a lot of interesting decisions as you tried to figure out what your compatriots were up to. This may be a bit naive, but I think the multiplayer should be relatively easy to implement. I haven’t looked at Unity’s multiplayer features yet, but all I really need is a way to have the players meet, and a way to communicate between them. All of the existing infrastructure should be pretty easily expanded to support multiple players.

I tracked some statistics on Thursday and Friday about how many people played each of the levels, what their play time was, and whether they won or lost. I’m going to get a post put up in the next couple of days looking at those statistics. I’ve been pretty busy this week with non-game related life things that got pushed out of the last couple of weeks.

Overall it was a fantastic experience. I handed out around 300 postcards advertising the game, met several new people to network with, and was very encouraged by the response. I think that was the most valuable thing that I took away, just seeing people enjoy the game, and get excited about it, it really made my week. It’s good to know that people are going to enjoy your creation, and it’s incredibly satisfying to see people get excited and enjoy themselves and know that you crafted that experience for them.

A big thank you to everyone that stopped by my display. Every one of you made the show a fantastic experience for me, I hope that I am able to deliver to you a game that will justify your excitement.

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News Update

All sorts of changes. The game’s story has been changed completely, it’s no longer a dark comedy satire of toxic internet culture. Instead it is an exploration of ancient creation myths and legends, focusing on the gnostic interpretation of the Garden of Eden story. It’s going to be awesome. With the story change has come a change in name, the game is now called Aurora Redemptus, the game’s new website is AuroraRedemptus.com.

The movement has also been overhauled, again and for the last time. I showed it at the recent indie game night on Thursday, and at ToshoCon, a small anime con for teenagers put on by the Salt Lake County library system. The game was very well received, and the movement didn’t confuse or anger anyone. So that’s fantastic, and signals to me that I never have to touch it again.

The final bit of news is that I will be showing the game at the Salt Lake Gaming Con with the Utah Games Guild. I will be there all three days, and it sounds like it should be great.

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